Moving through resistance

There needs to be a chapter on moving through resistance in town government, schools, community, and the dominant paradigm. How the Catfish industry changed the perception of the fish, how investors got over two pocket thinking to create impact investing. We can also show how the institutions can become supportive anchor institutions.

Two linked issues are coming to the top as themes: Our work to gather the innovators with platforms and funds and solutions causing asset creation by folks who don’t have them.

It will be important to be able to be allies across race class and zip codes, around a bioregional climate response that includes food, but also transportation. Helping allies connect with and be allies to under resourced neighborhoods is a key goal.

Having redlined neighborhoods not be economically vulnerable is going to matter to the rich people up the hill as climate change comes to the fore in the next 20 years. This I guess has a 20 year time line for creating a viable economy of the neighborhood that works for the zip codes where people die 10 years younger and the air is polluted and it often a heat sink because redlining meant that their property values are not high enough for their taxes to support sidewalks and tree lined street. And they have been subsidizing rich neighborhoods with their property taxes but that can be fixed, ala Joe Minicozi.

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