The economy of the neighborhood

I have decided to see if I can start seriously working on a book about the work Rosa Lee and I have been doing for the last 18 years, helping to create the field of impact investing, and walking away from where that market went to people that the SOCAP market would never reach.

I think i will call it The Economy of the Neighborhood.

A focus will be. 1. A need for collective bioregional climate response that means barriers of zip codes, and prejudice are not contributing to our survival

1. Capital has to be handed down to the people with the problem, and they need to be able to create assets. This is an environmental necessity.

Start from the climate. Everything I do is underscored by how hard it’s going to get, and we need to learn to pool and share resource, and see the abundance things like networks of coops create. 

Books are serious things. They require time for thought and rewriting and more research.

One thing I am excited to write about is the network of coops that Zoe Schlagg and x’s new book points out is the fastest way to grow significant community wealth. This is just a cautious, I’m here, by the bookasprojectthathappens.

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